First Post! WHOOP WHOOP!
Actually it's not the first one but I deleted it because it was.. a bit.. well, let's just say it: it was crap! haha. Anyway! So I have a few things to show you guys, which i have used very often last month. I guess I'm a bit late for this but who cares? (: I will give you a little review to each one, hope it helps you!
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mac hue |
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clinique liquid facial soap mild |
Clinique liquid facial soap mild: I really love using this after taking off my makeup. It foams not as much as I want buuut it makes my skin incredibly soft!
The body shop lychee blossom body butter: Winter is coming, Ladies and Gentlemen! So skin care is a very important thing at this time of the year and this body butter is just perfect. The smell is not very wintery but however I love the smell so much!
Mac hue lipstick: Actually that's my favourite lipstick the whole year long. It's a pretty nude colour and has a "glaze" finish. I love wearing it nearly everyday, because it's just without a big fuss, I can just throw it on and i'm good to go!
Mac mineralize skin finish soft and gentle: It's practically the same thing as with the lipstick: I don't really have to think about it, it always gives a wonderful glow.
Essie bahama mama: Okay so for me THIS is like the PERFECT colour for autumn and winter! It's like a dark red-pink, just a really pretty berry-colour.
Kiko mate fluid: I like to mix it with my maybelline foundation, because then i almost don't need to powder my face. It's also very moisturising and smells fantastic.
Maybelline super stay: Perfect colour, great coverage and constistance. And as i said: together with the "Kiko mate fluid": a dream!
Essence hand protection balm Gingerbread Chai Latte: This is just winter in a tube! Super low priced but also super moisturising! I don't know if you can get this in the US or in the UK but they sell it in Austria, Germany (Swiss maybe? Please write it in the comments if you know!)
What are your october favourites?
Do you know any of the products, what do you think about them?
8 Kommentare
ohhhh gott is dein blog süß *-*
AntwortenLöschenfollow you now ♥
^u^ danke für dein commentar :D
AntwortenLöschendanke fürs followen♥
und welche schrift hast du in deinem header verwendet??
die heißt "brain flower" (:
ah okay.. mit welchem programm hast du den erstellt? :)
Löschenganz einfach mit photoshop :D
Löschenuh oukay thnx♥
Löschenhey Süße!
AntwortenLöschenschau doch sehr gerne bei dir vorbei! :)
werde dich auch gleich unterstützen und Leserin werden, würde mich auch freuen!
die Fotos vom Posting sehen wirklich sehr schön aus. und der Lippi von MAC ist auch einer meiner Lieblinge!
xoxo, Bettina
dankedankedanke, sehr lieb!
Löschenfollow dich natürlich auch schon! (:
xxx Bea