

by - 03:55

shirt: primark
The questions of all sundays: Why is the weekend so short?! Thank god I haven't got anything big to do for school, but what am I gonna do now? I kinda hate sundays.. Most of the stores are closed and my boyfriend has to go to the Austrian Armed Forces again. ._. I guess I just practice car driving a bit with my father.. So be careful if you're around the austrian streets today! haha (jk)
I hope you guys had a wonderful weekend and I wish you a pleasant next week!

What are you going to do today?

Song of the day: Nicki Minaj - Marilyn Monroe
(Honestly I never thought I'd love a song by Nicki Minaj that much, but I think this is by far her best one!)


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3 Kommentare

  1. Unfortunatley I have been stuck in doing essay so its fair to say I hate sundays too.

    Cute shirt by the way and I love your blog. I was wondering if you would like to follow each other, check out my blog and let me know :)



  2. Thank you for the follow, following you back now :) xxx
